
Want to get involved and volunteer? We are always looking for eager coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, and other association volunteers so please contact us if you would like to get involved. We are a community based club that offers everyone the ability to participate in this great sport and give back to the community.

BMSA Executive Positions:

The BMSA executive team comprises of a President, Vice President, Registrar, Secretary, and Social Media Coordinator. Currently the position of U9/U11 Coordinator is open. Please email the Burnaby Softball Association President (email address below) if you’d like to help!


BMSA is in need of umpires of ages 12 and over. Training and equipment are provided as well as a per game honorarium. Please contact us if you are someone you know is interested in helping for the upcoming season.

Association Volunteer Hours:

BMSA is a nonprofit organization and depends on support from volunteers to ensure the organization runs smoothly. As part of registration with our association, we require parents/guardians of each player to volunteer a minimum of four hours to the association to help with tournaments, fun days, and other activities. If you are unable to volunteer then a $x fee must be paid to the association in lieu. Coaches, assistant coaches, and team managers will be automatically credited with their volunteer time.

Team Volunteerin:

Each team will also need help from parents/guardians from time to time to set up and tear down fields and keep score. Coaches and the team manager will work with parents/guardians to fairly apportion these tasks during the season.

Contact us if you’re interested in Coaching, Umpiring, or Volunteering!

Need more information?
Feel free to contact us.
Information below.