Runner on third, waiting to be hit home. U12 Oakeys are ready to score.
Sunny summer day, the Oakeys are up to bat in the final inning. It is 5-4 against the Oakeys but the tying runner is on third with two outs. The Coach looks on to his batter knowing that all her training is about to be tested.
The pitcher winds up- its a fastball right down the middle of the plate.
“CRACK!” Its a hit right through the gap.
Katie, the 3B runner comes in to score.
Jenny, the batter rounds first… to second…on to third…
Her Coach waves her home but its going to be close.
There is a throw in fromthe outfield to try and get Jenny out at the home plate.
Jenny slides, the Catcher tries to put on the tag. Its soooo close…
The Umpire makes the call….”SAFE!”
Jenny is safe! OAKEYS WIN!!! Her team runs out to congratulate her.
Oakeys Softball is not just about playing a game. Its about working hard, making friends, learning how to deal with obstacles as well as moments of exhilaration, winning- but also how to lose with grace. Softball sets you up for the rest of life. Learning how to work with people, work as a team, working in high pressure scenarios and performing your best.
Oakeys Softball helps make girls better. In sports and in life.